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COST Action 15140: ImAppNIO - Working Group 3: Benchmarks - Open Discussion Wiki


Working Group 3 of the COST Action 15140: ImAppNIO is tasked with the development of practice-driven theory-affine benchmarks. Bringing together the perspectives which respectively dominate the efforts of WG1 and WG2 its task is to develop useful benchmark for nature-inspired search and optimisation heuristics with a strong focus on discrete search spaces and discrete optimisation problems making sure that the developed benchmarks are relevant from a practical perspective and accessible from a theoretical perspective.

It will pursue the same goals for discrete nature-inspired search and optimisation heuristics as the COmparing Continuous Optimisers (COCO) initiative for continuous optimisers. It will establish a workshop and the main international conferences in the field such as Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference - GECCO and International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN. The focus will be on competitions based on these workshops. This will serve as a test bed for the results of WG1, a source of inspiration for WG2 and an important and highly visible focus point for anyone interest in the application of nature-inspired search and optimisation heuristics. The benchmarks that are developed will be made publicly available as part of the COST Action's Internet website and WG3 is responsible for providing and maintaining this.

Working Group 3 uses this Wiki to develop, discuss, and present contents in an open way.

Call for Benchmark Problems - How to Contribute

In our initial phase we are seeking suggestions for benchmark problems. You are invited to contribute by copying this Template Benchmark Problem page and linking it in the index below. Furthermore, feel free to augment or comment any ideas provided so far. Do not forget to subscribe to at least your own pages (under menu item ``manage subscriptions'') in order to receive email-notifications whenever colleagues augment, annotate, or change something! We hope that a fruitful discussion will emerge!

List of Suggested Benchmark Problems

Further Suggestions, Issues, or Aspects to Discuss

Please create a new page for any other ideas, suggestions, issues etc. that you want to discuss here. Add new entries at the top!

* First Suggestion (to be replaced)


WG3 Leader and Vice-Leader: Günther Raidl, Borys Wrobel


start.1474367082.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/20 10:24 by raidl