Working Group Workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania (17.02.2020 - 18.02.2020)

In February, we organize a working group and MC meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania. The local organizer is Algirdas Lančinskas. We meet at the Vilnius University.


Working Group Workshop in Malaga, Spain (18.02.2019 - 19.02.2019)

In February, we organize a working group workshop in Malaga, Spain. The local organizer is José Manuel García Nieto. We meet at the Ada Byron Building of the University of Malaga.

Meeting and Industry Workshop in Coimbra, Portugal (05.09.2018 - 07.09.2018)

In September, we organize a meeting in Coimbra, Portugal. The local organizer is Carlos Fonseca. We have co-located the MC meeting, a WG meeting and our second industry workshop. The meeting time is 10-18 on Wednesday and 9-18 on Thursday and Friday. We meet at the Polo I (Collegio de Jesus) of the Campus of the University of Coimbra.


Extended Core Group and WG Meeting (07.03.2018 - 09.03.2018)

We organized a Core Group Meeting and a Working Group Meeting at Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany. The local organizer was Tobias Friedrich (WG 1 Leader).




Core Group and WG Meeting (21.09.2017 - 22.09.2017)

We organized a Core Group Meeting and a Working Group Meeting at hotel Bernardin, Portoroz, Slovenia. The local organizers were Ales Zamuda and Vida VUkasinovic.




Workshop and 2nd Management Committee Meeting (17.10.2016 - 18.10.2016)

On the 17th October we had a workshop in Cluj-Napoca dedicated to the work in our four Working Groups. The 36 attendees from 19 different countries were updated on what was going on in the different working groups in a number of presentations. In a breakout session and subsequent discussions we decided about our goals and planned the next activities.

Our 2nd MC meeting followed on the next day, the 18th of October, in the same premises of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.

2nd MC Meeting


1st Management Committee Meeting (09.03.2016)

The start of our COST Action was formally marked by the 1st Management Committee Meeting on the 9th of March 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. Twenty seven MC Members came together to decide about Chair, Vice Chair, Grant Holder, Working Group Leaders and Vice-Leaders, STSM Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, Website Coordinator; participation in Working groups; the budget for the first Grant Period; further meetings and workshops in the first Grant Period.

1stmc 1 s

1stmc 2 s