25th-29th November 2019 in Coimbra, Portugal

The COST Action CA15140 ImAPPNIO is running a COST Action Training School 25th–29th November 2019 in Coimbra, Portugal. Participation is free of charge and financial support for a limited number of trainees is available. The Training School will use a mixture of lectures, presentations, and group work to bring trainees up to speed with the state of the art in the area of applying nature-inspired search and optimisation heuristics with an emphasis on bridging the gap between theory and practice. All trainers are experts in the area and have immense experience, some of them in more practical and some of them in more theoretical areas of research.

Ekhine Irurozki
 Pietro Oliveto
 Alberto Tonda
 Markus Wagner
 Hao Wang


MondayHao WangBenchmarking and Visualisation
TuesdayPietro OlivetoTheory of Bio-Inspired Computation
WednesdayMarkus WagnerSearch-Based Software Engineering and Industrial Applications
ThursdayEkhine IrurozkiProbabilistic Evolutionary Algorithms, Permutation-Based Problems
FridayAlberto TondaEvolutionary Machine Learning


All days follow the following general schedule (but based on the needs of a session there might well be changes). On the last day the closing session will end at 5pm.

09:00-10:30Session 1
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Session 2
12:30-14:00Lunch break
14:00-15:30Session 3
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:30Session 4

 The training school takes place in the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra.

Application deadline is 23rd of October 2019.

We invite young researchers (from PhD students to Post-Docs with up to 8 years of experience after their PhD) to express their interest to participate as trainees. Participation in the Training School will be free of charge for all trainees. For a limited number of trainees who are located in one of the 32 countries that are either members or near neighbouring countries in the COST Action CA15140 we have funds in the form of a fixed grant that we expect to be able to cover cost of accommodation and subsistence in Coimbra and make a significant contribution towards travel cost.

Please, express your interest to participate as a trainee by sending an email to the Action Chair at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the 23rd October 2019. We aim at making the application process as lightweight as possible. Your email should include your name, current affiliation, current status (in particular with respect to your PhD), and a list of relevant publications (if any). Add a very brief motivation why you want to attend and declare if your participation is dependent on receiving financial support from the COST Action.