Working Group 3: Benchmarks

 LeaderPietro S. Oliveto 
 Vice LeaderBorys Wrobel 
 Ales Zamuda
Working Group 3 is tasked with the development of practice-driven theory-affine benchmarks. Bringing together the perspectives which respectively dominate the efforts of WG1 and WG2 its task is to develop useful benchmark for nature-inspired search and optimisation heuristics with a strong focus on discrete search spaces and discrete optimisation problems making sure that the developed benchmarks are relevant from a practical perspective and accessible from a theoretical perspective. It will pursue the same goals for discrete nature-inspired search and optimisation heuristics as the COmparing Continuous Optimisers (COCO) initiative for continuous optimisers. It will establish a workshop and the main international conferences in the field such as Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference - GECCO and International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN. The focus will be on competitions based on these workshops. This will serve as a test bed for the results of WG1, a source of inspiration for WG2 and an important and highly visible focus point for anyone interest in the application of nature-inspired search and optimisation heuristics. The benchmarks that are developed will be made publicly available as part of the COST Action's Internet website and WG3 is responsible for providing and maintaining this. 

Working Group 3 uses a Wiki to develop and present contents.



Pietro Oliveto, University of Sheffield, UK
Carola Doerr, CNRS and Sorbonne University, Paris, France
Johannes Lengler, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Luís Paquete, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Markus Wagner, University of Adelaide, Australia
Ales Zamuda, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Thomas Jansen, Aberystwyth University, UK
Ilija Jolevski, University of St Kliment Ohridski, Macedonia
Atanas Hristov, University of Information Science and Technology, Macedonia.
Rene Schumann, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Valais, Switzerland
Ofer M. Shir, Computer Science Department, Tel-Hai College, and Migal-Galilee Research Institute, Israel
Miguel Nicolau, University College Dublin, Ireland
Gara Miranda Valladares, University of La Laguna, Spain
Nieves Gonzalez Ramon, Borealis Chimie SAS, France